This application allows the IMEON inverter to turn on the household’s water heater, when an excess of solar production is detected, in order to increase the rate of self-consumption and the energy-autonomy of the house.

Water Heater Application Interface

Integrated into the IMEON OS. ONE operating system, the “Water Heater” is an innovative application developed by IMEON ENERGY and accessible free of charge to owners of an Imeon hybrid inverter.

In order to amortize the solar installation for self-consumption as quickly as possible, it is essential to self-consume the maximum of the energy produced by the photovoltaic installation since the electricity exported to the public electricity distribution network is worth very little, if anything at all. The “Water Heater” application has been developed to maximize the rate of self-consumption precisely. The operating principle is simple: when an excess of solar production is detected by the Smart-Meter (solar production is in this case greater than the electricity consumption of the building), the IMEON inverter will use its internal relay to remotely switch on the home’s water heater, connected to the inverter’s relay by the installer beforehand. The water heater will therefore start up and use the solar kWh which, without activating the application, would have been exported into the public grid. This principle, also called “load control”, allows creating a “solar off-peak hour”, a time when cheap solar energy is being used. This application works for conventional electric water heaters; it should not be used with thermodynamic water heaters which heating cycles must not be interrupted. For proper operation, it is necessary to comply with the wiring recommendations indicated in the official IMEON ENERGY’s documentation for this feature. The abovementioned wiring may vary depending on the type of electricity tariffs (for example peak and off-peak hours in France).

Much more than a manufacturer of solar hybrid inverters, IMEON ENERGY is constantly developing new software applications and working on projects related to artificial intelligence in order to improve the performance of its solutions and the satisfaction of owners of IMEON hybrid inverters.

Let us know if you’d like to learn more about our smart solutions using contact@imeon-energy.com.