imeon application web report

Web Report

This application allows the users of Imeon inverters to automatically obtain a summary of the performance data registered by their inverter during the past month (solar production, site’s consumption, achieved savings and more) via e-mail.

web report

Integrated into the IMEON OS. ONE operating system, the “Web Report” is an innovative application developed by IMEON ENERGY and accessible free of charge to owners of an Imeon hybrid inverter.

The report is divided into three main blocks, (1) Summary, (2) Ecology and (3) Daily Performance breakdown. The (1) global performance summary will inform a user of the total solar energy production achieved by a system last month, total energy consumption of the site, the amount of energy exported to the electricity network as well as self-consumption and self-production rates. The (2) ecology section visually explains the impact of the system’s solar energy production on the environment, by translating the result to amount of saved CO2, distance the electrical car could have driven or time during which the Eifel tower could have stay illuminated using only solar energy generated by the site. In the last section (3) the user can see a day-by-day breakdown of the installation’s performance, with information including daily volume of energy stored in the battery, extracted from the battery, consumed by the loads, imported from grid and exported to grid.

Much more than a manufacturer of solar hybrid inverters, IMEON ENERGY is constantly developing new software applications and working on projects related to artificial intelligence in order to improve the performance of its solutions and the satisfaction of owners of IMEON hybrid inverters.

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