The power consumption of the IMEON inverter itself is a few tens of watts (15 to 40W for the IMEON 3.6 depending on mode of operation). In most cases, higher power consumption does not originate from the IMEON inverter but from another electrical device present in the installation.
To measure the actual power consumption of the IMEON inverter, ask your installer to do the following:
- Disconnect the solar panels from the IMEON inverter by opening the dedicated circuit breaker.
- Disconnect the batteries from the IMEON inverter by opening the dedicated circuit breaker.
- Disconnect all electrical devices connected to the IMEON “AC Output” (or AC Backup) by opening the dedicated circuit breaker.
- Disconnect all electrical devices placed between measurement point and the “AC Grid Connection” connector of the IMEON Inverter.
- Make sure that only the IMEON Inverter is powered by the public grid.
- Measure the power consumption of the inverter using a calibrated power meter.
- Be sure to measure the active power and not the apparent power.
If, after following this process, your installer notices a consumption which seems abnormal, ask him to contact the technical support of IMEON ENERGY.